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Thursday, April 24, 2014

List of Hindu Temples destroyed by Muslims in jammu and kashmir

List of Hindu Temples destroyed by Muslims in J&K

The following is based on a report published in Nav Bharat Times (Feb. 18, 93) New Delhi, the Hindi Daily of the Times of India Group of papers.

According to a report from Home Ministry official, 36 temples were the butt of communal violence In 1986, 8 in 1988, 12 in 1989, 8 in 1990, 5 in 1991, and 24 in 1992. The report carries the names of the temples, their addresses, the mode of attack, date and the extent of damage done. The following is the 1ist of the temples hit by communal violence in J&K on the basis of Home Ministry Report.

YEAR 1986:

SRINAGAR, FEBRUARY 20-211. Ganpatyar temple, Srinagar - Stoned - Window panes broken.2. Bhairav temple, Maisuma - Stoned - minor damage3. Temple in front of Gurudwara at Amiradadal - ransacked - no damageto the building.4. Shiv temple, Jawaharnagar - attempted arson - minor damage to a window,5. Bhairav Mandir, Karan Nagar - attempted arson - Carpet burned, nodamage to the building.6, Shiv temple near secretariat - attempted arson - minor damage.7. Shiv Mandir, Chota Bazar-60-70 rioter tried to attack the temple; policefired four rounds in the air - no damage,8. Narayan Math Mandir in Tulsi Bagh - attempted arson and stoning -minor damage to windowpanes and door.

ANANTNAG DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 20 -219. Gautam nag mandlr at Sarnal - set on fire - heavy damage; 3 out of fourrooms destroyed.10. Shivalay Mandir, Nai Basti - heavy stoning, attempt to destroy andransack - damage worth Rs. 10,000.11. Temple at Wanpoh on Khanabal-Qazigund Road - set on fire- extent ofdamage not known.12. Another temple at Vanpoh - set on fire - extent of the damage not known.13. Temple at Aishmuqam - attempt at ransacking - one idol damaged.14. Temple at Dhanbogund, Kulgam - set on fire - extent of damage not known.15. Navgam temple, Shangas - Heavy stoning - extent of damage not known.16. Achhabal temple near Navgam - Heavy stoning - extent of damage not known.17-20. Four temples in Lokbhavan village of Thana Qazigund - attemptedransacking21. Harish Chandra Seva Mandir, Beejbehara - ransacking - idols destroyed.22. Devi Mandir, village Karebal Beejbehara - ransacking - Idols damaged.23. Shivalay Mandir, Janglat Mandi, Anantnag town - ransacking - extentof damage not known.24. Temple of Dyalgam - attempt at ransacking - extent of damage not known.25. Temple at Fatehpura village, Qazigund Tehsil - set on fire - extent ofdamage not known.26. Temple at village Siligam, Thana Aishmuqam - attempt at ransacking.

PULWAMA DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 20-2127. Shiv Mandir at village Koil, Thana Pulwama - attempted arson.28. Temple at village Trisal, Thana Pulwama -AttPmpted ransacking -idols, microphone taken away; compoundwall of the adjacent cremation ground broken.

BARAMULLA DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 20-2129. Kali Mandir in Jamla Kadal Mohalla, Sopore - attempted arson, localpeople foiled the attempt - no damage.30. Fatapura temple, Sopore - stoning - minor damage.

ANANTNAG DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 24-2531.Chandi Puiarl temple, VYosu Thana Qazigund) - Arson - damage worth Rs. 20,000.

BADGAM DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 24-2532. Sharda Devi temple, Yalkot (Thana 8adgam) - attempt to arson - one part burnt.33.Shiv Temple, Sanghampura - (Thana Biru) - attempt to arson - verandah damaged in arson.34. Shiv Mandir, Magam (Thana Vodura) - attempt to arson - minor damage.

BARAMULA DISTRICT, FEBRUARY 24-2535. Temple in Bandipore - arsoned - minor damage.36. Temple in Bandipore - arsoned - minor damage.

YEAR 1988:

SRINAGAR DISTRICT, AUGUST 151. Ram Mandir, Maharajganj, Srinagar - attempt to arson - minor damage.2. Shiv Mandir, Sarafkadal, Srinagar - stoned - minor damage.BARAMULLA DISTRICT, AUGUST 183. Shiv Mandir, Bandipur - arsoned - Heavy damage.4. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Barmulla - explosion in Mandir - minor damage.

PULWAMA DISTRICT, AUGUST 215. Shiv temple, Shopian - Fully destroyed; heavy damage.6 . Local tempIe in Tral - Arsoned - Heavy damage.

ANANTAG DISTRICT, AUGUST 197. Devi Mandir, Anantnag - arsoned - minor damage.

DODA DISTRICT, OCT0BER 278. Basaknag mandir, Bhadrawah - arsoned - minor damage.

YEAR 1989:

SRINAGAR DISTRICT (MARCH 24 TO NOV. 2)1. Shri Ram mandir's Hall, Barbarshah Srinagar - explosion - minor damage.2. Shiv Mandir Chota Bazar, Srinagar, Fully damaged.3. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Srinagar - attempt to arson - minor damaqe.4. Building of Ramkrishna Ashram, Chota Bazar, Srinagar-arsoned-minor damage.PULWAMA DISTRICT, OCTOBER 35. Suchcha Nath Mandir, Shopian - arsoned - heavy damage.

BADGAM DISTRICT, OCTOBER 216. Shri Ram Mandir, Badgam - destroyed; idols looted - heavy damage.7. Rama Mandir, Udhampur - heavy damage.

DODA DISTRICT8. Supernag Temple - Idols looted and temple burnt.9. Siv Mandir Kiratwar - explosion on 2nd Nov. - minor damage.10. Buichhal Mandir - explosion on 10th Nov. - heavy damage.11. Temple in Kulharad village - arsoned on 12th Nov. - heavy damage.12 Temple in Bharat village - arsoned on 12th Nov. - heavy damage.

YEAR 1990:

SRINAGAR DISTRICT1. Arya Samaj Mandir and School, Srinagar - explosion an 10th Feb. Minor damage2. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Srinagar - attempted arson on 24th Feb., minor damage.3. Arya Samaj Mandir and School Wazir Bagh, Srinagar - explosion on 21st July - heavy damage.4. Shri Ram Mandir, Babarshah Srinagar - Conference Hall attacked with rocket on 2nd Sept . - minor damage .5. Shitalnath Mandir, Srinagar - arsoned on 18th Nov. - heavy damage.ANANTNAG DISTRICT6. Lakshmi Mandir, Bijbehara - arsoned on 4th August - Heavy damage.

BARAMULLA DISTRICT7. Sharda Mandir, Kalusa, 8andipur-arsoned on 7th Nov.- Heavy damage.

KUPWARA DISTRICT8. Handura Mandir - Precincts desecrated and idols stolen on 13th Nov. -heavy loss in the form of disappearance of idols.

YEAR 1991:

ANANTNAG DISTRICT1. Nagbal Mandir, Anantnag - Explosion - Minor damage2-3. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Anantnag - Explosion, Grenade thrown - minor damageSRINAGAR DISTRICT, APRIL 134-5. Shri Raghunath Mandir, Srinagar - seven houses of Hindus and two temples arsoned - minor damage.

YEAR 1992:

All arsoned; and minor damages:1. Raghunath Mandir, Karafali Mohalla, Srinagar - 8 May.2. Anantnag - 7 December3. Srinagar - 7 December4. Kulgam, Anantnag - 7-8 December.5. Shiv Mandir, Sherpore Kund - 7-8 December.6. Temple at Karichhama - Tang Marg, Baramulla - 7-8 December.7. Temple in Baramulla on Kungar Tang Road - 7-8 December.8. Shri Vishnu Temple, on the Bank of River Jhelum 7-8 December.9. Kuvi Utraso Temple Anantnag - 7-8 December.10. Temple of Chitergund, Anantnag - 7-8 December.11. Temple of Bana Mohalla, Srinagar -7-8 December.12. Karfali Mohalla, Srinagar -7-8 December13. Samshan Bhoomi Temple, Karannagar, Srinagar - 7-8 December14. Narsingh Bagh - Shadipur Temple, Ganderbal, Srinagar - 7-8 December.15. Nandkishore Temple, Sumbal, Baramulla - 7-8 December.16. Temple of Pahalgam, Anantnag - 7-8 December.17-22. Verinag, Anantnag - 8 December.23. Temple in Tragaon, Kupwara -9 December.24. Temple in Pattan, Baramulla - 9 December.

Destruction of Hindu Temples in KashmirBY: SUN STAFF

Mata Vaishno Devi's Cave Shrine

Jul 29, KASHMIR, INDIA (SUN) — While Kashmir's Hindu temples continue to be destroyed, rebuilding has also begun.

In Srinigar, India, news was announced yesterday that "an amalgam of 16 Kashmiri Pandit Organizations have formed a trust for restoration and reconstruction of over 200 temples and shrines destroyed by Islamic militancy in the valley and demanded financial aid from the Centre and Jammu and Kashmir. "We have launched Kashmir Temple Trust for reconstruction of all the temples and shrines destroyed in 17 years long militancy period in valley."

The All Party Migrant Coordination Committee (APMCC) has constructed and repaired temples and associated religious places in Rupabhawani, Vaskura (Ganderbal), Kheerbhawani (Devesar), Siva temple and 5,000-year old Deities at Dab Wakura. Two shrines of Prayag (Sangam--Shadipora) and Kheerbhawani Manzgam are under construction.

Destruction of a Vishnu shrine in Kashmir

As noted in a 2003 report from the Tribune, the Shankaracharya Temple in Kashmir (pictured below) is also on the list of temples need urgent attention. "The 5000-year-old black stone Shiva temple, seat of Adhi Shankaracharya in northern India, set against the picturesque backdrop of world famous Dal Lake, awaits immediate restoration, as its multiple cracks and erosion remained unattended during the past 13 years of militancy in Jammu and Kashmir. The temple has developed 16 cracks on its unique architectured roof top and bewitching circumference due to the utter negligence of the Dharmarth Temple Trust.

While 37 Hindu shrines were allegedly converted into Islamic monuments or destroyed during the advent of Islam in Kashmir, 39 temples were damaged or destroyed during the 1986 riots, 15 temples damaged from 1987 to 1990 and 21 shrines damaged and destroyed between 1990 to 1992." That damage has continued until today, as the list of damaged and destroyed Hindu temples increases.

"There are as many as 200 temples and other shrines which have been either damaged or destroyed in the militancy and over 100 places which have been forcibly encroached in the valley, he said. "We will also help the Muslim majority community in the valley to preserve major shrines which are in shambles like Uma Nagri, Manzgam Kheerbhawani, Omh, Vethvatur, Jawala Bagwati shrines in the valley in first place," Pandit said."
Temple Desecration

According to the Panun Kashmir Movement, a Jammu based organizaton representing Kashmiri pandits, "Desecration, damage and destruction of temples is not new and unusual phenomena. The process has been continuously going on ever since Kashmir passed into political domination of Muslim rulers in the first quarter of fourteenth century.

Islam like other Semitic religions enjoins upon the faithfuls to expand their religion by proselytizing the heathens, infidels and 'kafirs' (non-believers) to their faith to gain religious merit. "Jihad" or holy war is the instrument that is used for proselytizatlon. The Muslim rulers of Kashmir, the Mughals and Pathans made full use of their political authority to effect conversion of Hindus of the valley. To achieve the objective it became imperative for them to wipe out all traces of religious and cultural symbols of Hindus which included their temples, libraries, universities and ashrams etc.

In Kashmir gun powder was used for the first time not for fighting a war but for destroying massive Hindu stone temples. When it was felt that the fissionable material was not available in sufficient quantity for the iconoclasm, the nearby jungles were cut and used for setting on fire the giant stone structures of Hindu Temples. By excessive heat the stones burst, broke-away and crumbled these gigantic structures that spread through the length and breadth of Kashmir. The ruins of Martand, Avantipur, Devar etc. are mute witnesses of the depredation."

The Kashmir Information Network (KIN) was established to track and document the systemic destruction of Hindu temples by Islamic rebels and terrorists. KIN reports that "Since 1990, planned and organized secessionist-terrorism has brutalized Kashmir, the valley of peace and exquisite beauty. Systematic efforts have been made to destroy its syncretic culture, traditions, and heritage, by an orgy of mindless violence fueled by religious fanaticism and extremism, aided and abetted from across India's borders.

Terrorism has taken the lives of more than 2000 innocent men, women and children; the terrorists have indulged wantonly in abduction, rape, murder, arson, extortion and looting. Government officials, political leaders and workers, members of judiciary, print and electronic presspersons, and prominent citizens have been threatened, attacked and killed. Religious "codes of conduct" have been imposed on common people, and there has been large scale destruction of public and private property including over 400 secular state schools. More than 350,000 people of the minority community have had to flee their homes in the valley and today live as refugees in other parts of their own state and country. This is the "accomplishment" of the secessionists proxy-war in Kashmir.

Following is but a partial list of the Hindu temples and shrines that have been seriously damaged or destroyed in Kashmir:

Name of Temple Location District Remarks
Vamu Mandir Verinag Anantnag Ancient Idol publicly desecrated and then removed.
Temple on the spring Verinag Anantnag Burnt. 
Vetesta Mandir (Vetha Votur), Two Dharamshallas (Three Storeyed) Verinag Anantnag Burnt. Temple As ancient as River Jehlum (Vitasta) 
Buna Gund Mandir Verinag Anantnag Burnt
Two Dharamshallas, Manzgam Mandir Tehsil Kulgam Anantnag ThisTemple is also known as Khir Bhawani Mandir. Burnt after removing removing whole moveable property.
Uma Nagri Brarianangan Anantnag -
Kantiyani Mandir Kakran Anantnag Under Dharmarth Trust of Dr. Karan Singh, blasted and has got damaged.
Mirhama Mandir Mirhama, Kulgam Anantnag Burnt. 
Two ancient shrines Hanand, Chowalgam Anantnag Burnt
Kulwagishori Mandir Kulgam Anantnag Idols, pictures and scriptures desecrated, removed, Dharamshalla Burnt.
Devsar Mandir Devsar, Kulgam Anantnag Burnt
Ancient Temple Tripor Sondri Khanabarni Devsar, Kulgam Anantnag Burnt to ashes along with three Dharamshallas and "havan" shed.
Luka Bhauan Larkipora Anantnag Three Temples & Dharamshallas burnt which uere also damaged in 1986 and subsequently repaired.
Name of Temple Location District Remarks
Botsar Mandir and Ashram Uttarsoo Anantnag The temple 8 houses, two cow sheds, 2 kothars of Hindus were set on fire.
Pahalgam Temple Pahalgam Anantnag The tin shed of Pahalgam temple gutted partially. Fire was controlled by fire services.
Shiva Mandir SheerGunj Anantnag The temple, 6 residential houses, 1 cow sheds, 2 kothars of Hindus were set on fire on 8-12-92.
Ashmuji Mandir Kulgam Anantnag Burnt along with Dharmshalla.
One Mandir Chatargul Anantnag One temple at Chatargul. Achbal was set on fire.
One Mandir Hard Chanan Rafiabad, Baramulla Militants atttempted to set on fire temple at Hardchanan on 11-12/12/92 but got it partially damaged.
One temple Palhalan -do- During the night intervening 9/10 Dec. 1992 militants set on fire a place of worship at village Palhalan (Patan) 
One temple Karihama -do- Burnt.
One temple Kreri -do- Burnt.
Shiva Mandir Vishnov Baramulla -do- Burnt. This is also located on River Jehlum. It is not Shilputri temple damaged in 1990.
Nandkishwar Bairav Nath Mandir Sumbal -do- It was set on fire on 8-12-92 but saved.
One temple Nowgam Budgam Burnt.
One Temple Bana Mohalla Srinagar The Temple is on the Bank of River Jehlum. Burnt by applying fire to varandah of a displaced house touching the temple.
Name of Temple Location District Remarks
One Temple & shed at crematorium Karan Nagar Srinagar Temple and shed gutted. Cause of fire- mischievousness.
Magarmal Bagh Mandir Srinagar -do- Burnt. 
Kunzer Mandir Kunzer Baramulla Burnt
Karihama Mandir Karihama Budgam Burnt
Karfali Mohalla Mandir Srinagar Srinagar Damaged
One Temple Areh, Kulgam Anantnag Burnt
Bata Gund Mandir Handwara Kupwara Burnt
Chogal Mandir Handwara Kupwara Burnt
Chak Narayan Dass Mandir Tangmarg Baramulla Burnt
Narayan Bagh Shadipora Mandir & pathshalla Shadipora Baramulla By throwing grenades on the temple & pathshalla.
Bhairavnath Mandir, Nursing Garh Karan Nagar Srinagar Burnt by mobs in broad daylight.
Sri. Sanatan Dharm Sabha, Amira Kadal Srinagar Srinagar The buildings were set on fire.

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বাংলা (171) বাংলাদেশে হিন্দু নির্যাতন (22) ethnic-cleansing (17) ভারতীয় মুসলিমদের সন্ত্রাস (17) islamic bangladesh (13) ভারতে হিন্দু নির্যাতন (12) : bangladesh (11) হিন্দু নির্যাতন (11) সংখ্যালঘু নির্যাতন (9) সংখ্যালঘু (7) আরব ইসলামিক সাম্রাজ্যবাদ (6) minority (5) নোয়াখালী দাঙ্গা (5) হিন্দু (5) hindu (4) minor (4) নরেন্দ্র মোদী (4) বাংলাদেশ (4) বাংলাদেশী মুসলিম সন্ত্রাস (4) ভুলে যাওয়া ইতিহাস (4) love jihad (3) গুজরাট (3) বাংলাদেশে সংখ্যালঘু নির্যাতন (3) বিজেপি (3) ভারতে অনুপ্রবেশ (3) মুসলিম বর্বরতা (3) হিন্দু নিধন (3) George Harrison (2) Julia Roberts (2) List of converts to Hinduism (2) bangladesh (2) কলকাতা (2) গুজরাট দাঙ্গা (2) বাবরী মসজিদ (2) মন্দির ধ্বংস (2) মুসলিম ছেলেদের ভালবাসার ফাঁদ (2) লাভ জিহাদ (2) শ্ত্রু সম্পত্তি আইন (2) সোমনাথ মন্দির (2) হিন্দু এক হও (2) হিন্দু মন্দির ধ্বংস (2) হিন্দু মুসলিম দাঙ্গা (2) Bhola Massacre (1) English (1) april fool. মুসলিম মিথ্যাচার (1) converted hindu celebrity (1) converting into hindu (1) dharma (1) facebook (1) gonesh puja (1) gujrat (1) gujrat riot (1) jammu and kashmir (1) om (1) religion (1) roth yatra (1) salman khan (1) shib linga (1) shib lingam (1) swami vivekanada (1) swamiji (1) অউম (1) অক্ষরধাম মন্দিরে জঙ্গি হামলা ২০০২ (1) অধ্যক্ষ গোপাল কৃষ্ণ মুহুরী (1) অর্পিত সম্পত্তি আইন (1) আওরঙ্গজেব (1) আদি শঙ্কর বা শঙ্করাচার্য (1) আর্য আক্রমণ তত্ত্ব (1) আসাম (1) ইতিহাস (1) ইয়াকুব মেমন (1) উত্তরপ্রদেশ (1) এপ্রিল ফুল (1) ওঁ (1) ওঁ কার (1) ওঁম (1) ওম (1) কবি ও সন্ন্যাসী (1) কাদের মোল্লা (1) কারিনা (1) কালীঘাট মন্দির (1) কাশী বিশ্বনাথ মন্দির (1) কৃষ্ণ জন্মস্থান (1) কেন একজন মুসলিম কোন অমুসলিমের বন্ধু হতে পারে না? (1) কেন মুসলিমরা জঙ্গি হচ্ছে (1) কেশব দেও মন্দির (1) খ্রিস্টান সন্ত্রাসবাদ (1) গনেশ পূজা (1) গুজরাটের জঙ্গি হামলা (1) জাতিগত নির্মূলীকরণ (1) জামাআ’তুল মুজাহিদীন বাংলাদেশের (1) জেএমবি (1) দেশের শত্রু (1) ধর্ম (1) ধর্মযুদ্ধ (1) নবদুর্গা (1) নববর্ষ (1) নালন্দা (1) নালন্দা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় (1) নোয়াখালি (1) পঞ্চ দেবতার পূজা (1) পহেলা বৈশাখ (1) পহেলা বৈশাখ কি ১৪ এপ্রিল (1) পাকিস্তানী হিন্দু (1) পূজা (1) পূজা ও যজ্ঞ (1) পূজার পদধিত (1) পৌত্তলিকতা (1) ফেসবুক (1) বখতিয়ার খলজি (1) বরিশাল দাঙ্গা (1) বর্ণপ্রথা (1) বর্ণভেদ (1) বলিউড (1) বাঁশখালী (1) বিহার (1) বুদ্ধ কি নতুন ধর্ম প্রচার করেছেন (1) বৈদিক ধরম (1) বৌদ্ধ দর্শন (1) বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম (1) ভারত (1) মথুরা (1) মরিচঝাঁপি (1) মানব ধর্ম (1) মিনি পাকিস্তান (1) মীরাট (1) মুক্তমনা (1) মুক্তিযুদ্ধ (1) মুজাফফরনগর দাঙ্গা (1) মুম্বাই ১৯৯৩ (1) মুলতান সূর্য মন্দির (1) মুলায়ম সিং যাদব (1) মুসলিম তোষণ (1) মুসলিম ধর্ষক (1) মুসলিমদের পুড়ে মারার ভ্রান্ত গল্প (1) মুহাম্মদ বিন কাশিম (1) মূর্তি পুজা (1) যক্ষপ্রশ্ন (1) যাদব দাস (1) রথ যাত্রা (1) রথ যাত্রার ইতিহাস (1) রবি ঠাকুর ও স্বামীজী (1) রবি ঠাকুরের মা (1) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ও স্বামীজী (1) রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর (1) রিলিজিওন (1) রুমি নাথ (1) শক্তিপীঠ (1) শঙ্করাচার্য (1) শিব লিংগ (1) শিব লিঙ্গ (1) শিব লিঙ্গ নিয়ে অপপ্রচার (1) শ্রীকৃষ্ণ (1) সনাতন ধর্ম (1) সনাতনে আগমন (1) সাইফুরস কোচিং (1) সালমান খান (1) সোমনাথ (1) স্বামী বিবেকানন্দ (1) স্বামীজী (1) হিন্দু ও বৌদ্ধ ধর্ম (1) হিন্দু জঙ্গি (1) হিন্দু ধর্ম (1) হিন্দু ধর্ম গ্রহন (1) হিন্দু বিরোধী মিডিয়া (1) হিন্দু মন্দির (1) হিন্দু শিক্ষার্থীদের মগজ ধোলাই (1) হিন্দুধর্মে পৌত্তলিকতা (1) হিন্দুরা কি পৌত্তলিক? (1) ১লা বৈশাখ (1) ১৯৭১ (1)
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